Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back to Resin Work

I have another resin show coming up in sept. To keep things exciting i've decided to make some wall art to go along with the figures. starting with small portraits.

The Date is Set : Saturday Sept 12th and Saturday Sept 19th , two chances to view and purchase my new resin figures . if your in dallas the reception for both nights starts at 6pm and ends at 11pm.the location : avenue arts venue 823 exposition ave dallas tx 75226 .
also figures will be available for purchase on line. (more details on where to purchase soon).

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fair Park Texas Star Fireworks

I had a great time shooting the fireworks at fair park. I found myself a nice perch and pointed my lens at the texas star. I held the shutter open for long exposures so i could capture the fireworks as well as the Ferris wheel.
Thanks Photopol.us for spotlighting my photo!