Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Aztec Calendar Scrim Projection . Edward Ruiz 2012

top photo by Victor Rimach jr. I took a trip to Mexico City in 2001 and visited Teotihuacan the ancient aztec pyramid site. One of the treasures I brought home with me was this amazing aztec calendar . photo by Belinda Barbosa, bottom photo by Yasmina Johnston I love projection and couldn't pass on the opportunity to celebrate the end of the aztec and mayan calendar by honoring it with modern technology and new media projection. The calendar was like a scim material and the projection was viewable from both sides . It also cast a shadow of itself on the wall adding yet another viewable layer . Overall I was pleased with the piece . I hope to present it a few more times before 2012 ends. Thanks to Chasquis and the Canton co -op for the opportunity to show. The event got some mention in Central Track click on the link to see more.